Deze zomer is Emily Jewitt overleden aan de gevolgen van een ernstig ongeluk.
Zij was speelster in MB8 en leerling aan de BSN.
Een onvoorstelbaar verdriet en gemis, wij wensen haar familie en vrienden, haar team, manager en coach veel sterkte.
Aanstaande zaterdag wordt er voor
aanvang van de wedstrijden op veld 4 van de BSN-teams 1 minuut stilte gehouden.
We vragen iedereen om hier rekening mee
te houden.
Kristel Thomaes,Lijncoordinator BSN
Email: [email protected]
In memoriam
The best word to describe Emily is lovely, nothing ever seemed to be too much of an ask. She was always willing to help, get involved, and try her absolute best.
Her kindness and smile were incredible and whilst she was determined to be the
best she could be, she did so in such an unassuming and independent way that
was just wonderful to see. Emily was inquisitive and eager to learn in
the classroom and on the hockey field. She always wanted to do better and
play better. Her determination was admirable, particularly because it was always
accompanied by that amazing smile!
Emily has such a wonderful group of
friends, it’s a testament to the person that she was.Emily was avaluable
and highly respected memberof
ourhockeyclub at Forescate/BSN. It was an honour
and pleasure to work
with her and we have so
many wonderful memories of times with Emily. She was a very precious gift to us
alland her
beautiful smile will always stay with us.
Nicola Stronach and Tomasz Kotulski
(manager and coach)
The British School in the Netherlands
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